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Teamspeak 3 Rank System 2017-08-26

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Hello everyone,
I know that many people using a Rank System on their teamspeak 3 server.
Many of us (including my self) we use the TeamSpeak 3 - Rank/Level up system which is very good and personnaly i would like to thank the author.


What i want to show here is another Rank System that is much easier for some users to install and run and also is lighter from the other.

In this script you just set the time and the servergroup id and that's all.
Just run the script with a cron job and the script will work on your server!

How to save the code and run it? Just follow the steps bellow!
1) Use an FTP Client like Filezilla and transfer the rank.php file in a folder of your choice!
2) On the console use this command: sudo crontab -e (if you don't have it install it: sudo apt-get install cron)
3) At the end of the file put these two lines: a) * * * * * php /path/to/your/script/rank.php b) @reboot php /path/to/your/script/rank.php
The first line will run the script for ever.
The second one will run the script on your vps reboot.

The Script is not mine , so special thanks to the author: YanekThebill
If you need any help...just remember we are here to help one each other!
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