TeamSpeak Server Crash [3.0.12]

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Apr 27, 2015
The time has come to release our newest ServerCrash applicable to the Server 3.0.12.
No special permission except connecting are needed. So it infact does work on every TS3 Server using the version 3.0.12.


We will release the tool to the public on 24/Feb.
For VIP members click here:

Note Teamspeak was informed about a crash in version 3.0.12 on 29/Jan by us. Due to the unresponsiveness of Teamspeak, R4P3 community has made this information available to the public in hope for Teamspeak to increase their security.

  • v2
    • Bot was able to block by banning every name with 20 charackters. Now the random name contains random letters and numbers and between 5-30 charackters. Should be pretty hard to ban :D
    • The function for continious crashing is not really needed if you only intent to crash your own system as adviced.
  • v3
    • You can now select the length of the name if you choose it to be random.

Have fun and good hunting :D
Only use it on your own Server, and only for test purposes! We are not responsible if you are acting irresponsible!!!
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